Je vois le decalco "service course" et je pense avoir dénicher un tour de france
je continue : pédalier stronglight (avec couronne ajourée...j'adore)avec dérailleur huret
dérailleur simplex et moyeu normandy
je termine par la fourche :
c'est ce dernier décalco qui m'intrigue, voilà ce qui se dit sur le site gitane us à propos des gitane route de france :
" My guess is that it was one of the European only models designed for randonneuring and was never imported into the US. "Randonneuring is long-distance unsupported endurance cycling. This style of riding is non-competitive in nature, and self-sufficiency is paramount. When riders participate in randonneuring events, they are part of a long tradition that goes back to the beginning of the sport of cycling in France and Italy. Friendly camaraderie, not competition, is the hallmark of randonneuring." Brevets are long distance cycling events that take place all over France. Italy and the UK have their own versions. The goal of the riders is to cover a specific route within a time limit. The PBP (Paris-Brest-Paris) for example is one of the most famous Brevets ridden from Paris to Brest and back, 1200 Km in 90 hours " aurai-je trouvé mon destrier pour PBP 2015 ? le logo en forme d'étoile sur la France au niveau de la fourche rappelle en plus les diagonales de France.
alors randonneuse plutôt que bête de course ? avis bienvenus,
à vos claviers les mulets , Tatave le bienheureux